10 Ways to Stop Overspending On Clothes

10 Ways to Stop Overspending On Clothes

When you go window shopping and spend hours trying clothes, you eventually end up buying a piece or two. Since you didn’t really need those pieces, they end up never being worn. The other time we tend to spend money on clothes that go to waste when we assume they would look good on us when we browse online and when the clothes arrive they either don’t fit or suit us. What’s worse is that most of us forget to return them before the date of exchange expires.

Here are some ways we can curb the habit of overspending on clothes.

1.      Know What You Need

The first rule of not overspending is always to make a list. When shopping for clothes the important thing is that you know what style and what fabric according to the season you are looking for. You must have some outfit in mind so when you enter the store, you will buy just that style and nothing else.

2.      Buy What You Need

When you buy because something looks nice in the modeled pictures, chances are you are not going to wear it a lot or at all because you do not need it. Before making a purchase think how you could spend that money on outfits that not only look flattering but you need for work or some other occasion.

3.      Impulsive Buying is a Thing

Next time you feel like you have to have a piece, give yourself time to think about it. Leave it at the store and browse the mall. If you still remember that particular item of clothing only, return to buy it. Otherwise, save yourself the money.

4.      How much is the Cost per Wear?

If you are going to purchase something expensive think about how many time you are really going to wear it? If it’s a one-time occasion that you are shopping for, don’t hurt your wallet. Consider the other affordable choices that you narrowed down.

5.      Don’t Invest in a Trend

If all of a sudden lace hems are all the rage, you do not want to buy it if you know it won’t last as a trend. If you know you need the piece of clothing but the season’s style is temporary and you will not be able to pair it with anything, skip the purchase.

6.      Stick to Your Personal Style

You do not have to make a rulebook of all the style pairings you see online, most of the times these are the most expensive articles. Simply define your own style by putting your outfit together the way you feel brings out your personality best. You will find it is not with a hundred percent designer pieces.

7.      Narrow Down Your Shopping Destinations

Most of us shop to make ourselves feel great. When you feel like you are craving retail therapy, a neat way to not fall into that trap is by visiting only the places that you have always relied on and the ones that offer pieces that you know you will use for work or daily wear. No need to try new ranges at new stores when you are vulnerable.

8.      Be Smart about Shopping

With so many choices in the fashion industry, we fail to notice that the competition often drives brands to introduce killer deals and amazing sales. We usually never do our research, but it is good to compare prices at several online boutiques before making a final purchase.

9.      Always Go for Quality

Never make the mistake of saving money on clothes by buying cheaper fabric. These garments do not last and you are back to square one buying another piece for the one that had rips appearing on it. To save yourself time, money, and style. Just invest in one good quality piece that you can rely on.

10.  Always Go for Your Exact Fit

When we try to guess our fitting or how a particular piece would look good on us if it was a size smaller or bigger, or that we would lose weight in a month, we tend to buy pieces that we never end up wearing.

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