8 Best Techniques to Rewrite to Avoid Plagiarism

rewrite to avoid plagiarism

Though it may be challenging to come up with new ideas about a topic; it is possible to add your thoughts to the information that exists. In that, you use existing content in a plagiarism-free manner.

That’s why many people look for services that rewrite to avoid plagiarism.

Rewriting is a paraphrasing technique that allows one to write down the ideas of another but in their own words.

Since, plagiarism is taking ownership or failing to give credit to the source of your ideas, and using it as if they were your own.

How to Rewrite?

1. Use the Ideas not words

It means that you need first to read and understand the source material. Then, note down the main ides that you want to use.

Second, use your own words to convey the message, in the reword essay. So, you don’t have to bother much about the words used, flow, or structure.

Your main concern should be the intended message that you want to pass.

2. Start with a Paragraph

The most effective way to paraphrase the existing content is rewriting paragraph. You can opt to change the order of the paragraphs. As long as, you ensure that the material has a natural flow.

Read through the entire chunk before you rewrite it. It will keep you from potentially copying the exact words by the author, and its order.

3. Use Quotations

Sometimes, you may want to retain the tone, or voice, of the source material. In such an instance, you can use quotations, to indicate that those are words of another person. However, you have to remember that you need to limit the number of quotes you use in your paper.

Alternatively, you can shorten the quotations so that, it’s not word by word, as in the source material.

Avoiding Plagiarism by Rewriting Content

4. Add your Ideas

Yes, the original ideas may not come from you, but you can make it unique by adding your thoughts to the paper. You can use the same structure, and ideas, but in addition to your analysis.

It demonstrates your understanding of the material. Find ways to improve the highlighted ideas.

5. Sentence Wise Rewriting

Just using a thesaurus to replace words with their synonyms, won’t do much good. Ensure that you use words that make sense. You can change the syntax of the phrase, say from active to passive voice.

Also, you can start your sentences from a different part of the original one. For example, make the beginning your ending, and the middle, your beginning.

6. Make Changes

Rewriting implies using the source material as your reference. Therefore, there’s room for you to make necessary changes if and when you need to.

So, it’s okay to disagree with the ideas and add your voice to the discussion. Therefore, you don’t need to hang on to every word or thought, that the author shares.

7. Include References & Citations

The best way to summarize this is to give credit where it is due. Purpose to use the proper format depending on the type of paper, too. It applies to the facts, statistics, and sources that you use.

8. Revise

Go through the final copy to check if the material makes sense. Ensure that there’s a natural flow of ideas.

Efficient Rewriting

Before we sum this as a job well done; compare the two documents. Use a plagiarism detection software if you have to. Sometimes, we may have failed to rewrite a specific part, in the best way possible.

If so, then go back to the tips above, and find out how you can make that piece plagiarism-free.

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