Artificial Intelligence: The 21st Century Stethoscope & An Excellent Doctor’s Tool

Artificial Intelligence: The 21st Century Stethoscope & An Excellent Doctor’s Tool

For the medical community, it took some time to accept the stethoscope and recognising Artificial Intelligence as a full-fledged health tool is challenging but, there isn’t any running from it. AI is extremely powerful and carries the potential to transform the medical industry beyond imagination. As we speak, it’ll surely displace stethoscope as a symbol, taking its place. A doctor advice app is simplest example yet, AI roots deeper. Let’s have a look in detail!

The Journey from Stethoscope to Cognitive Computers

It isn’t easy accepting the change and healthcare industry is no exception. Stethoscope has been accepted a symbol of healthcare back in 19th century however it’s significance dates way back. The instrument was invented by René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laënnec; a French physician who circulated its description in 1819 but the actual use of the instrument by doctors took several decades afterwards.

The coming of AI into healthcare came with huge waves of change affecting the very jobs of physicians however, in an optimistic way. Healthcare experts are now more receptive towards advance technology, realising the potential of global reach. Take for instance a doctor advice app that a user can easily download and get in touch with a medical expert without ever leaving the comfort of his home.

Indeed, some of the tasks or duties originally performed by physicians would be taken over by AI but they’ll have plenty of opportunities to grab. Doctors won’t have to struggle when it comes to advance medical research which is crucial for administrative tasks, consultation and making notes. Even conducting minor to major therapies won’t be too much complex!

Cognitive computers would help physicians diagnose far better which will bring a second wave of big change to the medical industry after the stethoscope.

New dimensions for Healthcare

Cognitive computers of the present age have all it takes to oust expertise of even the most acclaimed professors however; the root knowledge provided to the machines is indeed courtesy of humans.

With time as technology and information grows exponentially, the assistance of computing solutions in taking critical medical decisions is extremely important. AI is likely to open many new dimensions for doctors managing their personal clinics as well as experts serving medical facilities and hospitals.

On the official level, the most obvious use of AI would be with data management for it’ll collect information, archive it, streamline the details and trace its lineage. This is perhaps the first step in revolutionising the healthcare systems existing recently.

The launch of Google Deepmind Health project to mine medical data thereby catering to a better and faster healthcare service is perhaps the simplest form of AI empowered healthcare. It could also analyse healthcare systems from its entirety.

Take example of the Netherlands where more or less 97-percent healthcare invoices are digitalised that contain critical data related to the treatment, doctor and the hospital. All these invoices could be easily retrieved. This improved the systems and avoided unnecessary hospitalising of the patients.

AI would help Doctors in an unimaginable ways

Targeted treatments, precision medicine, personalised solutions and doctor advice app are the buzzwords in the recent healthcare industry; and this didn’t happen by chance. AI would assist physicians in finding the best therapies for their patients. The technology also has potential to eliminate tedious tasks such as repetitive and time-taking administrative procedures.

Yet another example is of Medical Sieve from IBM that’s ought to become “cognitive assistant” in the next generation empowered by superior clinical knowledge, analytical and reasoning capabilities. The algorithm would further qualify assisting in taking critical clinical decisions concerning cardiology and radiology.

AI also helps in reducing or simply remove untimely waiting following optimisation of both the physicians and patients schedules. Prioritising doctors’ emails is yet another benefit allowing most urgent messages to reach them in due time.


Whether it’s a simple doctor advice app or AI empowered healthcare industry as a whole, clinical practices are likely to augment thereby benefiting both the doctors and patients.

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