Can Fast Eating Cause Health Problems

Can Fast Eating Cause Health Problems

If you do not consume your meal slowly, the odds are that you will become fat or your metabolic syndrome will develop a set of metabolic disorders in the form of insulin resistance, fat accumulation in the area of the abdomen, high cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. The halal certification services wants to point out how bad fast eating can be for your overall health.

Such a condition develops because fast foods cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which can result in insulin resistance.

Glucose is the most important source of energy needed for muscular work and for all processes in the body, including brain activity.

After intake of food into the body and absorption from the intestine, the blood glucose level is regulated by the liver, which ensures keeping the levels within a precisely determined range.

The blood glucose level shows fluctuation in every individual that depends on physical activity and the time elapsed from consuming meals. These fluctuations have been further increased in numerous pathological conditions in which blood glucose levels may be elevated or decreased.

The results of the research presented at the annual meeting of members of the American Heart Association suggest that slower eating can be key to maintaining a healthy individual’s health.

A team of scientists from the Japanese University of Hiroshima during 2008 assessed the health status of 642 men and 441 women whose average age was 51 years, none of which had metabolic syndrome.

Participants in the research are divided into three categories in accordance with the described habits concerning the speed of food consumption: slow, moderate, fast.

After five years, the scientists called the respondents.

They found that in those who had the habit to eat food fast in the highest percentage – 11.6 percent, developed metabolic syndrome.

In the group of those who ate moderately fast, metabolic syndrome occurred in 6.5 subjects. The best people who have declared themselves as slow food consumers, as only 2.3 percent of researchers have developed metabolic syndrome.

Scientists quickly linked food intake to more weight gain, blood glucose and abdominal obesity, or an increase in waist circumference.

Because of all of the above, it’s important to slow down with the snacks, because it allows the brain to receive the signal to sit, which again means you will not be tempted to quit.

When people eat fast, it seems that they cannot be saturated. In that case, it is very likely that they will eat more food than they need.

Slower eating can be key to lifestyle changes that will result in the lack of metabolic syndrome development. Take enough time to eat your food at peace without rushing somewhere. Enjoy your food while eating it. Not only it will taste better, but you will begin to feel better without experiencing stomach problems due to the result of not chewing your food good enough.

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