Critical Information To Know, If You Are Involved In A Truck Accident

Critical Information To Know, If You Are Involved In A Truck Accident

According to statistics, one out of eight automotive accidents involves large trucks like tractor trailers, big rigs and various other commercial vehicles. Also, 4% of the injuries sustained during motor vehicle collisions are caused due to large trucks. In past two decades, accidents have increased by almost 10%. Also, the number of accident cases involving commercial trucks is on the rise.

Given the huge size of these trucks, the long hours of driving and the drivers not obeying the speed limits are some of the reasons for a collision or crash. Usually, the victims of such accidents are left confused, traumatized and scared. If you are involved in such an accident, then the next step would be to consult a truck accident attorney.

It is a must for the trucking companies to comply with the federal regulations. Sometimes, the actual offender is not only the driver, but even the trucking company, as they have not given proper training to the driver. It is the responsibility of the company to educate and train every driver before they drive the trucks on the road.

Reasons to Contact a the Truck Accident Lawyer

Only an attorney, who deals with cases related to the trucking industry, can ensure that the victim rightfully receives what he/she deserves. Contact a truck accident attorney right away, when you are implicated in an accident involving a tractor trailer. It is important to engage a lawyer as early as possible in the case. Among various other things, this also helps in preserving evidence.

It is also required for the drivers to maintain a correct log about their driving time. Sometimes, to make additional income, the companies devise incentive programs, which reward the drivers when they drive for long hours. However, the drivers are exhausted completely, when they drive continuously leading to serious accidents.

Why You Need to Appoint the Lawyer Immediately?

According to the federal regulations, the trucking companies must preserve the driver logs for 6 months. So, it is crucial for the lawyer to inform the trucking corporation to keep all the logs as well as other data. If the attorney starts the investigation early, it is possible to study the evidence, which is still ‘fresh’. So, early investigation is important and the evidence gathered is quite beneficial while settling the accident claims.

If you want to find useful information about how you to deal with truck accidents and various other details about hiring an attorney, then you can click here. You will be able yo learn about accidents involving commercial vehicles and what you could do to remain safe and protect your rights.

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