How To Protect Your Intellectual Property

You’ve invested serious time and effort coming up with a unique name for your business, and you want to be sure you’ve done everything you can to protect it. But are there legal steps you can take to do that?

Absolutely. If yours is the first business to use the name, you can protect it so that no one else can use it without your prior permission. And the proper way to protect a business name from use by others is to register it as a trade name.

A trade name is one of several intangibles you have that the law refers to as “intellectual property.” Simply put, intellectual property is something that’s created by the human mind such as an idea, an invention, a unique name, and artistic and literary expressions.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property law is the system of federal and state laws enacted to allow the creator of some form of intellectual property to protect and limit its use so that the creator can maximize the financial gain from the property.

There are various types of intellectual property, each with its own legal method for protecting it:

What Canadian Trademark Agency can do?

Generally, the steps patent and trademark agents Canada will take include the following:

  1. Do a trade name search on your country’s official website to make sure it’s not too similar to an existing trade name.
  2. Complete and file (in paper or online) with Trademark Office either an “Intent to Use Application” or an “Application for Mark in Use,” depending on whether you’ve begun using the trade name yet.
  3. Use the trade name in commerce as required.
  4. Await action by the Patent and Trademark Office. They’ll contact you and advise you whether a patent or trademark already exists and whether your application was correctly filed.
  5. Upon acceptance of your application, your trade name will be published in the Official Gazette of the Patent and Trademark Office, publicizing the fact that you’ve been granted a trademark.
  6. Protect your trade name by timely renewals of your trademark for that name, consistently use the designations “TM” or “R” immediately following each use of your trade name to give notice of your registration, and stop infringers from using your name by sending the abuser a cease-and-desist letter and filing suit, if necessary.
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