How To Succeed In A Career Test

With jobs being harder to come by an ever growing number of major organisations, sometimes even small businesses, seeking to employ new staff insist on all prospective candidates performing a career test.

Wikipedia says, “Career assessments are tools that are designed to help individuals understand how a variety of personal attributes (i.e., interests, values, preferences, motivations, aptitudes and skills), impact their potential success and satisfaction with different career options and work environments.”

A career test includes a variety of different topics, all of which will provide the employer with the appropriate information to ensure that they employ the right type of person or persons for the job and for their organisation.

So, how to succeed and get yourself your dream job?

There are no right or wrong answers when undertaking a this kind of test. The employer selects questions which they feel are appropriate to the role and the type of individual they are seeking to work for them. The employer will select the candidate or candidates that they feel give the most appropriate answers and most closely match the criteria they have set out.

Practice is essential!

There are numerous types of tests available online; tests will cover general knowledge, psychological information and aptitude. Be aware that career assessments will vary and they will be applicable to the organisation and type of job that for which you are applying.

When applying for jobs you should always read the job description – this reading of the description helps to ensure that you meet the requirements of the role, enclose a letter with your C.V, say why you want the role, why you feel you are right for the role and provide enough tailored information to ensure you at least get an interview.

The Interview

Once you’ve succeeded in gaining an interview, re-read the job description, the job description will give you a thorough insight as to what the company are looking for, it will provide you with the appropriate information when preparing and undertaking the test. Companies usually warn candidates if there will be a test of some sort.

Obviously just preparing for the test is not enough, you need to make sure you are smart for the interview, get your suit cleaned, do your hair nicely, make sure there are no stains on your tie, blouse or shirt, brush your teeth, have a shave or trim your beard (if you have one). Smart appearance may not be essential for the job but employers usually want to see candidates who have made an effort, jeans and t-shirt are never a good idea.

Never lie on a job application or career test. Candidates who lie tend to struggle in the role and subsequently their lies will catch up on them.

Don’t feel disheartened if your application is rejected – it just means that another individual had more relevant skills or was better suited to the role. A rejection would be a perfect opportunity for you to request feedback, learn what you could have done differently and try to build further skills in order to apply for similar roles.

See the following post if you need more indepth information to help you succeed in a career test.

This post was supplied by Mark, he hasn’t had an interview for many years but he follows the Career Guts Twitter page just in case.

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