Key Elements Of Irresistible Web Page Designs

The design of a web page can make or break a website. Pages that have poor coding, incorporate spam search engine optimization techniques, or that have substandard content, do not have a chance at achieving any improvement in the future. Here are some key steps you can use to improve you website traffic and page web design. These tips will enhance the growth potential of your site immediately, and can be done relatively quickly.

Develop useful and Credible Content

Audiences will not read content that isn’t useful to them. Your content must not only be useful, but credible. The credibility of your site is what brings your audience to your webpage multiple times, as they build a sense of trust with the information you publish. Remember, this also includes the credibility of your photos, images, and tools. Make sure every element of the design supports your efforts to create content that is credible.

Create Intuitive Navigation

How easy is it for viewers to find important and interesting information on your site? Cumbersome navigation should be modified immediately. Your top navigation bar should be intuitive to you viewers interest, and the content within the sidebars should include content that is popular to your audience. Also, think about adding a sitemap to make it easier for visitors to find deeper content within your sites archives.

Make sure all Content is Shareable

Check to see if visitors on your page can instantly share your content on their social media pages. There are so many useful sites that will increase traffic, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google +, and Twitter. Can visitors easily email your content to their own audiences? It is paramount that you make content that is worth sharing in the first place.

Make Contact Information Accessible

Try not to hide your contact information. Make it a priority to create immediate access to your email and other contact methods on a dedicated page of your website. The more contact information you place on your site, the more trustworthy your visitors will think you are.

Use Appropriate SEO and Links

Certain SEO mistakes can lead to your site being banned from Google search results, or reduce your rankings on the search engine. Never include things such as hidden text filled with keywords on your web pages, and try not to put a lot of keywords within the content, sidebars, footer, or anywhere else. These tactics will cause Google to label the site as spam.

Also, avoid linking your site to others that could harm your credibility. Useful content is always better than having several links, since this will guarantee that Google and other search engines have relevant information to crawl on your pages. You will notice that this will also enhance you ranking.

Use Appealing and Relevant Imagery

Every image that you place on your web page should be interesting to your audience. Utilize colorful images that grab attention and also contain relevant content for your page. Images should match what your site’s expectations are. Furthermore, the images should enhance the text and messaging rather than overshadow or detract from the content that’s useful. More importantly always make sure to use images that are legally allowed to be published on your site.

F. Aldea is a freelance publisher and foodie whose work has been highlighted in personal blogs, websites, publications, and TV advertisements.

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