Modern Business Landscape Calls For Modern Business Literature

The world has changed overnight! Only the entrepreneurs and business managers who have realized this fact will succeed in the new world that we are still trying to understand. The new epoch requires a new approach as methods of yesterday will only do so little. Business students and eager readers need to be exposed to new learning materials that embrace the changes in the world.

The following are three business books that acknowledge what is happening in the contemporary business landscape. Each uniquely acknowledges modern technology, modern people and new organizational practices, as well as how they must be blended together for success.

Social Media For The Executive by Brian E. Boyd Sr

Social Media For The Executive by Brian E. Boyd Sr is arguably the most helpful modern business book that arms the contemporary business students and business managers with the right arsenal for succeeding in the shaky and largely uncertain frontier of social media. It is no secret that social media has taken center stage in our lives and there’s no way we’re going to get from it.

Every day, the use of social media – both at a personal level and in the professional sphere – grows in leaps and bounds as more people join to savor their piece of cake in the revolution. Older people, whether in business or in other capabilities, who were somewhat skeptical in the recent past, now consider social media as means to reap benefits they had never imagined of getting earlier.

Brian Boyd’s book makes it clear to business students, professionals and everyone in the business sphere, that social media is a massive opportunity to communicate one’s brand as well as develop one’s business.

The byline of Social Media For The Executive is “Maximize Your Brand and Monetize Your Business,” and this is actually what the book is all about. Boyd notes that social media isn’t a passing novelty or fad; rather, it is “an entirely new way of doing business.” Business students as well as practicing professionals reading the book will benefit from the many real life case studies as well as anecdotes from the author’s own experience.

Boyd talks of people and companies that have made big cash by cultivating their image and brands in the people they serve through the clever use of social networking platforms. From this book, students learn how they can use social sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to talk about themselves as well as the products and services that they’re offering.

Like other social media gurus will tell you, Boyd also notes that “Content is king.” He hints on the type of content that a business needs to generate, and teaches his readers to examine how their brand fits within the social media platform they’re using. Boyd presents his book in an easy style and format.

Business students will find the real life case studies to be of great help as they can connect with concepts being used. Everyone reading the book will believe that s/he too can benefit from having a rightful social media approach for the business, as well as for oneself as the executive.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen

And now to some advice on how you can be productive without being stressed! Understandably, this advice seems a little crazy and counterproductive, but to survive in the contemporary business world, you need to ditch the methods that are so yesterday. David Allen’s Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity is based on the premise that people need to move pending tasks from inside their minds by recording them on the outside.

This way, the mind gets freed from the task of remembering any and all things that have to be accomplished, and focus on actually accomplishing these jobs. Students will find Getting Things Done to be very useful and practical in the contemporary business world as it centers on making it easy for readers to store, to track and to retrieve all the information that’s connected to the tasks that need to be accomplished.

Allen contends that the majority of our mental blocks are as a result of inadequate “front-end” planning, that is, for any project that needs to get done, it is important that we clarify what’s to be achieved as well as the specifications needed to achieve the same. Allen writes that this front-end thinking is best done in advance. It produces a series of activities that we can undertake later without any additional planning.

The Getting Things Done author argues that people’s mental “reminder systems” are inefficient and rarely reminds us of the things we need to undertake at the place and time we can accomplish them. This book assuredly gives students some realistic advice on how to get all their projects done without losing their sanity.

Allen’s enthusiasm is clear throughout the book and presents practical solutions with a basic principle that everything we set out to do, be it a work-related task or an assignment, has a particular time and place. Even with mounting deadlines, students who have read Getting Things Done and implemented the system proposed by Allen will have a sense of freedom and relaxation that will make them remain productive.

While the advice on this book is quite on the mark, the author’s system can seem complicated due to some fancy terms coined by the author. However, the book has a lot of valuable information and a dependable system to get things done.

Jumping the Curve: Innovation and Strategic Choice in Age of Transition by Nicholas Imparato and Oren Harari

Undoubtedly, certain steps need to be taken by a business for it to remain relevant as well as maintain its competitive edge. This is what the co-authors of Jumping the Curve address in this book. Students can get important guidance on how to carry out business in the modern world. Of course you may already know that you need to use a whole new approach and be different from competition, but this book addresses the approach you need to take.

Students learn how to aptly manage their workforce once they get into practicing their trade as well as maintain productivity to achieve success in the cut-throat competitive landscape.

There is no organization that wouldn’t want to jump the curve so as to make substantial and discontinuous leaps in thinking about product, management and even technology. Following the current practices to their unavoidable decline is not only unacceptable, but Imparato and Harari also show us that this is unnecessary.

The co-authors have drawn from first hand observation, research and many personal interviews featuring innovative leaders all over the world to identify the 4 strategic imperatives namely: responsibility, coherence, intelligence and innovation, which will assist firms to be successful in jumping the curve and thriving in the contemporary business setting.

Business students, by reading this book, are able to see how managers in class leading companies are transforming the four imperatives into workable action.

Jumping the Curve presents guidance as well as perspective for undertaking business in modern times. Students and business leaders get the bigger picture of the constantly changing business world and are armed with practical solutions they need to take in order to position their firms for success.

The authors tell business leaders that they need to weave the company around the software, in turn, the software needs to be centered on the customer. That is something for every manager to think about in their strategic development.


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The author is a holder of Bachelor of Commerce with experience in modern management issues and business dynamics.

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