Necessary Health Check-Ups For Women Over 40

This is for all the women out there who are hitting 40 or have already crossed the milestone. It is essential for you to know that as you are nearing menopause, the chances that you might develop cervical or breast cancer increase. The good news is that these diseases have a good chance of being cured if detected early enough. Once you hit 40 it is a good idea to visit the best gynecologist in Delhi regularly to get these check-ups done, to rule out the possibility that you are beginning to develop the emperor of all maladies.

1. Mammogram

This test checks for breast cancer. It is advisable to take it every 1 to 2 years depending on the risk. This may be accompanied by a breast exam by the doctor who will make sure to detect any lumps or anything that might have been missed by the doctor. You are also advised to take out a minute while you shower to feel around for any lumps that might seem dubious and get them checked immediately. While these may often just be swollen glands, it is better to stay on the safe side.

2. Pap Smear and Pelvic Exam

This test is to diagnose cervical cancer and has to be taken every three years, unless you are above 65 years of age and have been told by your doctor that you are at low risk.

You may also be required to take the HPV DNA test. This must be taken every five years, until 65 years of age if your doctor declares you to be at a low risk.

3. Colonoscopy

This is only to be taken every 10 years but more often for those with risk factors such as family history or history of colon polyps. A fecal occult blood test (FOBT) and a flexible sigmoidoscopy may also be taken. This is to ensure that you do not have colorectal cancer. For those who cannot undergo colonoscopy, an air contrast barium enema can be taken every 5 years.

4. Heart Disease Screening

These are routine check-ups that are needed especially considering the kind of lifestyle we have these days. A blood cholesterol test, blood pressure check, a fasting plasma glucose and other such tests are advisable after a certain age and especially if you are at risk due to family history.

5. Bone Health

For those above 65 years of age, a bone mineral density test may be taken at your doctor’s discretion to find out your bone strength and whether you are at risk for osteoporosis.

When such tests can easily diagnose what can be prevented, there should be no reason for you not to take these steps to ensure a healthy and pain-free life.

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