The Growing Number Of Women Car Drivers In UK

The Growing Number Of Women Car Drivers In UK

Almost 40% of cars sold in UK are bought by women. Over the years, the gender gap on the roads has narrowed down dramatically. Women are not only buying more vehicles but they are also driving more. The number of miles women drive each year is rising at a rapid pace. If the current trend is any indication, women are all set to outnumber men on roads. The number of women with driving license has also grown sharply in recent years. Increased financial and social independence, more work opportunities and delayed marriages are cited as some of the major reasons behind the rise in women car drivers.

This has led to an increases demand for women car insurance. As more women own cars today, the demand for car insurance cover has increased significantly. The insurance companies too are leaving no stone unturned to woo women car drivers. Attractive car insurance covers offered by these companies are specifically designed to meet the requirements of female drivers. Even though, the premiums charged by these companies on car insurance covers are same for men and women, there are many other benefits that are specifically offered to women. These include personal accident cover, cover for partner, free personal belongings cover and free courtesy car service.

Despite equal premiums, women car drivers generally have to pay less on car insurance. It’s a fact that men cause more accidents on roads. As a result, car insurance companies have to pay out more for men’s accidents. Women, on the other hand, are considered patient behind the wheels. According to one of the findings, only 30% of women car drivers above the age of 65 have had an accident. The figure is 60% for men. Also, a vast majority of people dying in car accidents are males. Men are also more likely to indulge in drunk driving and other risky behaviour. Due to all these reasons, men drivers end up paying more for car insurance.

While there are many choices available, the task of selecting the right car insurance has only become difficult for women. With so many options available, finding the right cover that suits your needs and requirements without exceeding your budget may prove to be quite difficult. It is important to compare the benefits before buying a car insurance cover. The services offered by car insurance comparison websites may prove to be very helpful in this regard. There are some reliable sites that have been designed specifically to meet the requirements of women.

With more and more women swapping passengers seat for the drivers seat in UK, the demand for female car insurance is expected to increase further in the coming months. The service offered by car insurance comparison websites will prove to be crucial when it comes to helping women choose the right car insurance cover that suits their requirement as well as budget.

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