Companies have, for long, leveraged from video marketing. The technique that came into being with the widespread popularity of social media has aided businesses to find their desired range of exposure in both local and global markets. With the use of video, companies have found themselves gaining visibility in the market. In the dilemma between reading a book and watching a movie, our fast lifestyle advocates for the later and that is why videos make better materials in terms of connecting with the audiences than other modes of advertisement.
Why Videos
Research states that one of the key purposes which drive users to go online is to watch videos. Owing to that bit of fact, platforms of video hosting and sharing have gained such prominence. It is to this popularity that businesses owe their company’s brand awareness. Online streamed videos are now one of the most effective marketing tools. They get more clicks than any other adverts do. Videos are a lot more concise than texts. They are engaging and entertaining, and with a good quality video content, your post is likely to be ahead of all others. For the sake of judgement, you can try making parallel investments on two different kinds of advertisement and gauze the differences by yourself.
Why Enterprise Video in Particular
When it comes to video marketing, most companies prefer using the free and paid video-sharing platforms such as YouTube. Since enterprise video platforms are newer, they still incite second thoughts in the minds of most. At the same time, it makes a valid question as to why would someone go and register with a paid service as enterprise video when the global platform is at easy disposal.
The first thing about video marketing is the quality of content. While that is for your video maker to take care of, you as the advertiser are to look into the second aspect, which is the quality of the resolution. High-quality videos take longer to stream in YouTube. It requires very speedy internet connections to load long HD videos. Enterprise video platforms use a technology that allows streaming of high-quality videos at a very fast speed, regardless of the speed of the internet you are connected with. Better picture quality is tantamount to better reliability and greater speed equals to more visits. Your video should not test the patience of the viewers. It should rather feed their impatience by streaming faster and in the best quality available.
Popular video-sharing sites are bereft of the advanced functionalities and features that enterprise video platforms are laden with. For instance, access to analytics is an interesting feature that other common video hosting and sharing sites do not have. With enterprise video platforms, you can monitor the number of clicks, place their origin in the map, maintain graphs and multiple other activities. This helps the advertisers get an idea about which part of the demographics is actively watching the video, or which videos are shared more than the others, etc.
Another reason why enterprise video platforms make better choices over others is the integrated player. Most video-sharing platforms use Flash-based players. That works great for computers and laptops, but when it comes to other devices, often the player fails, thus distracting the audiences to move without being able to view the content. In business, that is sheer loss of a possible lead. Alternately, enterprise videos use HTML5 players that is not only speedier than Flash, but also supports both audio and video file formats. Thus, the videos can be easily viewed from handheld devices other than desktops and laptops.