The Pros and Cons Of Using 301 Redirects To Evade Penalties

Google’s ultimate goal as a search engine is to keep their consumers happy. If those consumers are constantly being duped with search results that don’t deliver what they say they will, those searchers leave unhappy. Google has an algorithm that they use to keep websites from manipulating their ways to the top of the search results, and if any website fails to keep up with the standards of that algorithm, that website will receive a penalty that hurts their overall rankings.

If your website is hit with a penalty, the only way to regain your standing in Google’s good books is to correct the problem. Many use a 301 redirect as a temporary fix or a short cut to correcting the problem. A 301 redirect is an error page that directs the user to a new URL in the event that you need to change a URL. The redirect permanently moves the page to a new location, and virtually erases the penalty.

But will this really solve the algorithmic penalty? Here are some pros and cons for using a 301 redirect to solve the algorithmic penalty problem.



Overall, when it comes to algorithmic penalties, 301 redirects have their uses as you work to correct the penalty, but it shouldn’t be left at that. If you want to resume your SEO standing, it’s important to fix the problem as soon as possible, and not try to cover it up.

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