This DXCC and Status Displays Which Can Also Be In Deactivated Mode

You can even assign different font colors for each DXCC status message. We love the red for the points representing the new DXCC, blue for new groups of DX units, and Grey for companies that are not required.

Fashion state also shows per season.

If you do not want ads, and receive visual and sound mode DXCC, you can disable the options DX SpotChecker. When you do this, only appear the spots themselves. You can activate and deactivate ads on if you want.

Change the model desired information amateur radio and press Enter on your keyboard to send the ad server.

As the name implies, click DX Ad Hoc insert a generic model:

DX <callsign> <freq> <comment>

Override <call>, <freq> and <> placeholder words with the information. Then press the Enter key to send the DX ad server.

As the name suggests, a specific model in the tax area DX by the SL window click inserts containing the information in the recording station window (assuming it’s a journal entry for reporting station’re)

DX 14076.0 J52HF JT65A <comment>

Crush <comment> room for the desired information. Then press the Enter key to send the message to the server.

And as the name implies, click through the DX window SL – Your Grill <prop> DX grille adds a more accurate model in the control box, which contains the network and the dissemination of information window recording station (assuming that you already have a have begun journal entry containing this information to the connected station):

DX KF6A 144,150 FSK441 FN42gr <EM> EN73pj <comment>

Crush <comment> room for the desired information. Then press the Enter key to send the message to the server.

After editing, press Enter on your keyboard to send the command to the server. The function keys are assigned to each key.

In order to help define your commands, links to online user guide for AR-Cluster, CC Cluster and DXSpider servers exist (default) in the Links Menu Options window Checker DX Spot.

Two text boxes labeled Group 1 and Group 2 are also included so you can customize the title of each group of keys.

Propagation predictions: Integration with Afreet Ham CAP


You can DX propagation predictions in the auditor points on routes between your station and discovered stations do if you Afreet Omni-Rig and ham Afreet Cap2 an HF propagation prediction program is installed on your PC. You can freely get CAP ham and Omni-Rig at time of writing of Afreet Software, Inc.

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