What BPM Stands For

BPM is a large field in operational management. BPM approach changes your business for better and helps you to improve your company. What does it stand for and what does it mean?

Basic Terms

Before diving deeply into the meaning of BPM, let’s look at some related basic terms. First, we need to understand what a workflow is. A workflow is a repeatable set of steps performed in a sequential manner over time, which enable people and systems to achieve a goal. Establishing workflows and ensuring that they are implemented effectively is the key to running a successful business. Most people use workflows in both their business and personal lives, even though they might not realize it. Usually workflows are linear and have conditions, which split this set of processes into multiple steps.

The most effective way to manage complex processes and workflows to automate a business process, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules.

The goal of workflow management is to understand and determine:

Workflow software enables businesses to create models of the business processes and then display them on a visual canvas. The software of such kind are used in every industry. They are an essential tool for making standardized and optimized processes, which help in achieving organizational efficiency. However, you need a way to connect workflows and help them interact with other businesses. This is where such BPM systems as BPM’online are used.

The Definition of BPM

BPM or Business Process Management is a systematic business approach, which helps organizations achieve their specific goals. It is a management approach based on the idea of business process optimization. Every day dozens of business processes are carried out in your company. Some of them are short-running and take minutes or hours, some of them might take whole months.

If you want to be productive, you need to make sure your processes are optimized. Poor management slows down your company and reduces your revenue. As a result, the operational costs grow every month and business processes become uncontrollable. Such management mistakes can significantly harm your business.

BPM defines stages for every single process in your company:

This is the life cycle of a business process, which is endless. After the business process is finished and reinvented, we come back to the planning stage and repeat the whole cycle over again. This way, every time you run the same process, you will have an opportunity to reduce costs and the time for execution of every next process.

A huge part of this cycle takes the modeling stage. This is where you simulate the process in different conditions. In other words, you do “what-if” simulation. For example, how would you execute your process with only 85% of your resources?

Analysis is important as well. This is the stage where you should find the bottlenecks and optimize them. This becomes nearly an impossible task if your company is running many processes simultaneously. You can hire a huge team of specialists to collect information manually and analyze every single process or you can simply use a modern technology.

The second method is much cheaper and effective because you eliminate the human factor mistakes. BPM software like BPM’online can help you to reinvent all parts of your business to make a step into a successful automation of your business. You can visit and see how exactly this software can help you increase your revenue and reduce operational costs. The main question you should ask yourself is: are we acting as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible? And if the answer is “no” you definitely need to bring changes into your business process management.

How can BPM Software help your Business?

Let’s look at the typical problems, which modern businesses face and see how exactly a business process software can make your company become more successful.

As a rule, many modern companies suffer from:

Business process management platform can help you transform all parts of your business to become a successful digital organization.

Business process management is not just about documenting processes workflows. BPM projects can and do produce a pronounced change in business performance by typically cutting costs, reducing risks, saving time, increasing productivity, increasing customer satisfaction and revenues, and reducing the time needed to reach the market. Organizations that embrace these digital opportunities adapt their operations and transform their business processes, which helps them become leaders in digital industrial economy.

No matter what product or service you deliver, the era of digitalization will definitely influence your business model. Entire industries have already been digitally remastered dramatically altering the way products and services are created, priced, distributed and serviced. To deal with the modern challenges, process management becomes the most effective program to fix the errors and make required changes.

Business Process Management software will help you move beyond the narrow projects focused on small incremental improvements and undergo a truly digitalized business transformation.

Advantages of BPM’online

BPM’online is a popular cloud-based business process management platform, which combines both CRM and BPM instruments to effectively run a business. You will have all the modeling and visualizing tools you might need aligned on a single program.

BPM’online is known for its user-friendly interface and an intuitive system. Another advantage of this cloud-based system is that you can use on any device you prefer. BPM’online is a reliable system that is effective yet simple. It is easy to install and easy to use. Many successful businesspeople from all around the world have already tested this product and have successfully implemented it to optimize their workflow.

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