What Is A Balanced Diet?

Peoples’ eating habits have transformed dramatically due to the modern lifestyle and easy availability to fast and junk food. Nowadays, people are investing far less time in cooking food at home and prefer to order out. The result is an imbalanced and unhealthy diet that affects their health over time.

We offer properly-balanced foods that are an ideal and safe replacement for home-cooked meals, without compromising your health. Planning balanced meals doesn’t have to be challenging. Let’s take a look at what a balanced diet should include:

1. Starchy Carbohydrates Are Essential For A Proper Diet

Rice, pasta, bread, etc. are starchy carbohydrates that provide energy and help you to stay active throughout the day. One-third of your daily meal should have these carbs. People try to cut out these carbohydrates as they are misinformed that carbs are fattening. Without carohydrates, your diet becomes imbalanced, and you may then add more fats to your diet to compensate them. When you add more fats, you also consume more calories because carbs have only 50% of the calorie content when compared to fats.

2. Fruits and Vegetables Are Very Important

All nutritionists recommend that their clients increase their intake of fruits and vegetables, especially greens, in their daily diet. You can turn out tasty and colorful meals from vegetables and salads.  It is beneficial to add fruit to your daily meal.

It is good to include fruit in your breakfast menu and use it as a snack whenever you feel hungry and add a mix of cut fruit to your lunch.  Fresh fruit juices and vegetable smoothies have many health benefits and should be included in your daily food intake. Nutritionists suggest that two glasses of juice and one vegetable smoothie will be equal to one portion of fruit and vegetables. It is healthy to consume at least three portions.

3. How Much Of Saturated Fat Do You Need?

You may be aware that there are different types of fats such as saturated and unsaturated fats. Nutritionists prescribe 30 and 20 grams of saturated fat as a limit for men and women, respectively. Modern diets contain more saturated fat than unsaturated fat, and this is considered harmful to health.

You should be on watch while consuming hard cheeses, sausages, cakes, butter, biscuits, etc., which contain more saturated fat which can increase your bad cholesterol and put you at risk of heart diseases. You should look for better alternatives to saturated fats.  Vegetable oils or reduced fats and lean meats can replace butter, lard, and similar products.

4. Avoid Sugary Products

Excessive consumption of sugar is harmful to health. You will be healthier when you cut down on sugar consumption. However, many people have a sweet tooth and find it hard to resist sweets and other high sugar-content products like fizzy drinks, alcohol, cakes, etc.  Home-cooked meals have reduced sugar content, especially with the right, fresh ingredients.

5. Cut Down on Salt  

Adults are recommended to limit their salt consumption to 6 grams of salt per day. But hardly anyone measures how much salt they consume and invariably end up consuming far more than they should. Excessive salt can increase blood pressure and eventually lead to heart diseases. Processed food like soups, sauces, etc. are high on salt content compared to regular home-cooked meals. It is a healthy option to switch from processed foods which contain excess salt to home cooked foods that are low on salt.

Including the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and unsaturated fats and consuming less sugary foods is the best way to maintain a healthy diet. If you want well-balanced home-cooked meals, we are the company that provides you with the best solutions.

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